


Frequently Asked Questions




Preparing to 宝博体育

项目 & 课程

If something happens and I can’t go on my program, can I get my money back?
If you choose the optional CEASecure™ plan, you may receive a refund under eligible circumstances. 访问我们的 政策 了解更多信息.


What’s included in the program price?
CEA offers all-inclusive programs! 住房, 学费, 食物的选择, 转移信用, pre-departure and on-site support, 机场接送, 取向, 城市之旅, excursions (summer internship programs excluded), cultural/social 活动, 健康保险, and more are included in 你的 program’s price.


Do you offer scholarships?
我们为参加CEA项目的学生提供优异奖学金、需求奖学金和多样性奖学金. Eligibility requirements and award amounts vary.  了解更多关于 东航奖学金.


How do I pay for my experience abroad?
有许多不同的 融资选择 for study and intern abroad programs. 在很多情况下, you can use financial aid to pay for 你的 experience abroad; speak with 你的 home school’s financial aid officeto determine whether financial aid can be used to help fund 你的 program. 我们还提供无息付款计划,帮助您支付在国外学习和宝博体育的费用. To learn more, contact the CEA Financial Services Team.


Can I room with my friend who is registered for the same program?
Before 你的 program’s application closure date, 你要填写一份住房申请表,其中包括你的室友要求. We’ll do our best to fulfill 你的 request, but housing is assigned on a first-come, 先到先得,这意味着你越早提交住房表格, 更好的!


Where will I live?
Program prices include standard CEA housing options. Depending on 你的 specific destination and session, these may include apartments, 学生宿舍, 或家庭旅馆. 在许多目的地, we offer alternate housing options for an additional fee, such as a homestay with meals included.


What about a cell phone?
如《 Program Participation Agreement, 所有学生都必须有一部能在国外接听电话的手机, regardless of Wi-Fi availability. This allows CEA to contact with you in case of an emergency, 并且会帮助你与那些可能想要联系你的人保持联系.


What if I have special dietary, medical, religious, or academic accommodation needs?
We encourage you to share any medical conditions, 饮食类型, 宗教信仰, or academic accommodation needs on 你的 健康 & 健康 Profile and with 你的 网站专家. This will help us identify appropriate support for 你的 concern.


What if I need medical care?
CEA on-site staff can help you find a doctor or pharmacy 如果你感觉不舒服, help you make appointments, go with you to assist with language barriers, and help you file claims for any medical expenses.


Can I go abroad before my program starts or stay after my program ends?
我们希望你能在你的课程指定的开始日期到达(记住, on-site 取向 meetings are mandatory). 如果您选择提前到达,您将负责自己的住宿和机场接送. 如我们的 政策, you are required to stay until the end of 你的 program; early departure isn’t permitted. 如果你选择延长你在你的东道国逗留的个人旅行, you will be responsible for 你的 own lodging.


Can I travel in my spare time?
肯定! 事实上, 我们鼓励你走出去,探索你所在城市周围的国家和地区. 以确保您的日期不与计划的CEA游览冲突, 活动, 以及课程承诺, 我们建议您在到达现场后再制定旅行计划,并鼓励想要参观的朋友和家人在您的计划结束时前来参观.


How do I get to class and around the city?
CEA研究中心 and offices are centrally located, 而CEA住房和合作机构遍布我们的主办城市. All offer easy access to public transportation. 在大多数情况下, 乘坐公共交通工具去上课或宝博体育需要20到50分钟.


Do I need a passport or visa to study abroad?
You do need a passport to study or intern abroad. 申请过程可能需要几周时间,我们的一些合作院校要求你在开课前至少45天提供护照信息,所以请尽快申请/更新护照. 根据你在国外学习或宝博体育的地点,你可能还需要签证. 虽然你有责任研究并获得护照和签证所需的文件, 你的 CEA现场专员 will help you through the process.


Will my credits transfer?
是否将在国外获得的学分转入你的学位课程,完全取决于你所在的院校. Before 你的 program’s start date, we ask that you complete an 顾问批准表格 和你的指导老师一起决定在国外获得的学分如何转换到你的学位课程中. (We’ll help by providing detailed course descriptions, 接触时间, 教学大纲, and recommended credits for individual courses.) We’ve worked with more than 1,000 universities and colleges to successfully transfer and translate credit for coursework completed in CEA programs; our 网站的专家 are here to answer any questions you or 你的 advisor may have.


What are CEA’s GPA requirements? If I don’t have the minimum required GPA, can I still apply?
GPA要求因课程而异,由CEA和我们的合作机构设定. Program minimums typically fall between 2.5和3.0; if 你的 GPA doesn’t meet the minimum for 你的 program, you may still be eligible. Discuss 你的 options with 你的 CEA Admissions Counselor.


How do I choose a program?
需要指导? Reach out to 你的 school’s 宝博体育 Office and 你的 CEA Admissions Counselor; they’ll help you choose a program that meets 你的 academic, 职业生涯, and personal interests; answer 你的 questions; and guide you through the application process.


我在INTERNSHIPS. Where will I be placed and will I be with other students?
我们的宝博体育主要是在CEA学习中心城市的中小型公司和组织中进行. 与大型跨国公司相比,在较小的公司工作可以为你提供整合和获得更深入经验的机会. You’ll probably be the only student at 你的 organization, 什么能让你真正成为团队的一员. 了解更多关于 what to expect from 你的 internship…


Can I volunteer abroad?
是的! In most of our locations, 我们提供不含学分的志愿者机会,让你在参与当地文化的同时回馈你所在的社区.


Are internships available?
我们提供 credit-bearing internships in cities around the globe. 我们与当地企业和组织的合作伙伴关系有助于我们为您的兴趣和目标找到合适的位置, while academic components enhance 你的 global competence. An international internship is a great way to build 你的 résumé, 获得适合市场的技能, and advance 你的 future 职业生涯 while studying abroad. Explore 你的 internship options...


Where will I take classes, and who will I attend class with?
Depending on the program you choose, you may take classes at a CEA Study Center, one of our local 合作伙伴机构, 或两个. At CEA研究中心, you’ll attend class with other CEA students. 在我们 合作伙伴机构, you’ll learn alongside other CEA students, other international students, 在某些情况下, 当地的学生. 你的 网站专家 will tell you more about 你的 program’s specifics.


Do CEA programs have language requirements?
带有外语组件的程序可能有语言要求, but CEA also offers programs for complete beginners. If 你的 program includes a language requirement, 您将在课程开始前或到达现场后不久参加分班考试,以确定您的语言水平. 检查你的项目的资格要求部分,以确定是否需要语言能力.
